Front Panel Cleanup, Icon Update and Default from Typedef

Wish you all Happy New year 2015!!!

                          Recently I have developed few utilities VIs and I would like to share the same with you all as a New year gift.

1) Front Panel - Cleanup:
                         Most of the times you might be spending time in cleaning up the front panel and setting its size and position. Using this utility you can quickly bring all the controls and indicators together and bring the error clusters to the bottom.  Also you will find the labels arranged to the default locations as per your LabVIEW preference.  Modify this VI as per your need.

2) Icon - Set VI name:
                        Most of the times you want to replace the default LabVIEW Icon with your own Icon template with text. This VI uses its own icon as reference and sets the target VI's Icon with vi name.
Modify this VI's Icon if you need your own icon template.

3) Connector Pane - Assign Terminals:
                        Most of the times you want to set the default connector pane 4x2x2x4 and wire the error terminals at the bottom and remaining terminals as per the vertical alignment of the controls in the front panel.  you can use this VI to do the same from the LabVIEW Tools Menu.

4) Controls - Set Defaults from Typedef:
                        Some times you might want to modify the type def files, when you do so the default values of the controls on the VIs may not have the default that you want, In those case you can copy the contents of the typedef file and make it as default value on the target VI. you can use this VI to do the same from the LabVIEW Tools Menu.

The VIs are developed in 2014 and down converted to LabVIEW 8.0. If there is any problem please drop a comment below this blog, I would be glad to help you out.

In order to make these utility VIs in a handy location, Download and keep all these VIs Under <LabVIEW Folder Path>\Project\Utilities\

Click here to Download

If you are using LabVIEW 2009 and above sync the resource folder as well, So that you can get the tools under quick drop.

How to use: 
                  Once you keep the downloaded files under the above specified location restart LabVIEW once. Observe the new menu Items under LabVIEW--> Tools--> utilities... Open the VI of interest and select the function from the menu.


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